Hi All Today I want to explain how to find and troubleshoot Deadlocks in SQL Azure V12. At V2 we had this query to run and find our deadlocks: SELECT * FROM sys . event_log WHERE event_type = 'deadlock' This query return XML, and we could have change it to XDL and see the deadlock Chart. You can see this in the 2 links by Thomas Larock ( @ SQLRockstar ): http://thomaslarock.com/2013/05/how-to-troubleshoot-deadlocks-in-windows-azure-sql-database-wasd/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlKCe05WDOw Now in V12 this feature is not supported - so how do you get the deadlock data? MSFT Gave us this query (Running on Master DB): SELECT top 100 *, CAST ( event_data as XML ). value ( '(/event/@timestamp)[1]' , 'datetime2' ) AS timestamp , CAST ( event_data as XML ). value ( '(/event/data[@name="error"]/value)[1]' ,
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