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Showing posts from October, 2020

Configuring secondary database in Azure SQL DB - Bug found

Hi All Last week we had an issue with a secondary DB in geo replication and fail over group. To make the long story short we had to delete the secondary and recreate a secondary from scratch . And now let me tell you the story, we build a DB in P6 tier - very high, expensive and highly available. Then we add a geo replication copy via the platform, like it shows here. This is take from MSFT documentation: It is written:  " Both primary and secondary databases are required to have the same service tier. It is also strongly recommended that the secondary database is created with the same backup storage redundancy and compute size (DTUs or vCores) as the primary. If the primary database is experiencing a heavy write workload, a secondary with lower compute size may not be able to keep up with it. That will cause redo lag on the secondary, and potential unavailability of the secondary. To mitigat