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Showing posts from February, 2016

Cross Database Queries in SQL Azure DB - Part 2

Hi All   So After a month of using Cross Database Queries in SQL Azure DB, I can say that we have a very useful tool.   We can use in many scenarios, I will show today one.   We are using 10 shards DB's to balance read operations to many DB's. The write operations goes to the DB's as well.   I' as a DBA wants to know the status of all DB's, so instead of creating PowerShell that connect to all of the DB's I have created external tables in 1 DB that reads the     sys . dm_db_resource_stats     from all DB's' so I have now 1 real table and 9 external tables.   I have created a view that reads from al 10 tables' and now I see all data from all shards.   I also put it in PowerBI and I see it in a visual way - and also in my Mobile.   Here I have in the first line DTU AVG value for each shard in the last 10 minutes, 1 clock that avg all shards.   The second line is the DTU real value in the last 10 Minutes per Sha