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Showing posts from April, 2016

Dashboards in Azure Portal

Hi   Today I will be reviewing the Azure Portal Dashboard. We have seen lots of improvements in that field. It has developed to include a variety of options, and lot of use cases:   Monitoring, with full screen and charts. Shortcuts to the most usable apps. Share dashboards between users. You can have multi Dashboards, like Dashboard for DB's, for Storage or VM's or per application or resource group. I find these new features very useful and very easy to implement. Here are some screenshots showing the uses.   Image 1 - shows what options we have for the Dashboards     : We can add new, edit an exiting one, share to other users, clone and delete.     Image 2 - shows the options when clicking on the arrow near the Dashboard, we see the list of my dashboards, and the dashboards that was shared with me.       Image 3 - shows the screen after clicking on "Share", we can share to a subscription, and put it in a loc