sp_whoisactive is a very helpful monitoring sp used by almost ever SQL Server DBA. It was written by Adam Machanic.
It provide a lot of data showing what is running in your server and the resources being consumed.
Adam & his great team have saved us many hours of work - Thank you Adam!!!
I have been waiting for many years for this SP to be compatible with SQL Azure.
In previous versions when we tried running it on Azure SQL DB we got this error:
"Msg 40515, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_WhoIsActive, Line 16 [Batch Start Line 7]Reference to database and/or server name in 'msdb.dbo.sysjobs' is not supported in this version of SQL Server." on (v10.76)
In the SP it called MSDB and since we do not have MSDB in SQL Azure we got the error.
Adam put his SP in GitHub https://github.com/amachanic/sp_whoisactive , and I found out this the version was upgraded to v11.33. And now it runs on SQL Azure.
And finally I can see everything in our PAAS DB's.
Thank you Adam.
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